Confession: My Sugar Addiction has Returned
Basically, I fell off the "less sugar" wagon. Back in September I suffered a running injury and had a few other things happen in my life that threw me for a loop. Instead of staying focused on my goals, I started to get off track. It wasn't until a few months later that I realized I had fallen back into my old habits: I craved sweets after lunch and dinner, and instead of being satisfied with something small, I wanted bigger things- like a giant piece of my son's birthday cake instead of a reasonable slice. I've gained a few pounds back, but I try not to stress about that too much. What has disappointed me more than anything is that I know exactly what I need to do to get back on track. But so far, I haven't done it.
Every day I wake up saying "Today is the day where I will feel good instead of guilty about my food choices." But every day I find one reason or another why I need that extra handful of M&M's. I know that my body can quickly get used to cutting back on the dessert and I won't crave it so much. So what is it going to take to get my mind onboard? I felt like writing this blog is making me put it out there, and publicly say that enough is enough. My diet is generally very healthy, but sweets are my downfall. I'm tired of feeling guilty, so it's time to make the changes necessary for me to feel better about my food choices. It's time for me to get back on the wagon and start practicing what I preach.
So here we go��.
What do you think? Have you recently fallen off-track with your goals? What are you doing to get things moving in the right direction again?
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